Hi all, We will be attempting to migrate Pict-rs tomorrow starting at 1700 UTC. Between now and 1700, image uploads will be disabled to try and avoid any data loss. You will still be able to like, comment and post until then. During the upgrade window, Pict-rs will be offline, so viewing images might not work. In theory CloudFlares CDN cache should cover us during the window, but YMMV. Hopefully everything should go smooth, but we do our best to make sure we have backups!
You can monitor our site health at https://dash.lemmy.world and https://status.lemmy.world
We will post updates to https://mastodon.world/@LemmyWorld as well.
Cheers, LW Infra Team 💗
Update This change is done. Images are now hosted on S3 storage and uploads are re-enabled.
Is it amazon s3 storage? How much are we paying for it?
We are not using AWS S3, we try and keep costs down where it makes sense 😉
Bro who are you? I don’t see your name in the mod list
In case you’ve not visited the team page. Here is the LW staff.