Plasma 6 Beta 2 released! We are nearly there, but more testing needed.
Just in time for the Winter Holidays 🎄, Happy New Beta 🎉!
After this second Beta, there will be two Release Candidates, one on the 10th and the other on the 31st of January. All these releases are **not** final, they are for testing and should not be used in production…
… But many people are confirming that the current version is already very mature and quite stable. Ultimately it is your choice. Use at your own risk – and report all those bugs to
The final release is only 10 weeks away!
You can also help us reach our supporting membership goal! We only need 20 more sign-ups to reach our first goal:
If you would prefer a one-off donation or more options, check out: ooooh yes. The alpha was a bit too unstable for my taste, but I already love the first beta (and of course reported quite some bugs) and now totally look forward to more and more stable versions