Oh for fucks sake. These delusional gamergate weirdos. Tracer was always this petitite and thats a normal way for her to look in loose fitting pants.
Before release Blizzard changed her win pose, and the original one was a bit more flattering. Gamergate weirdos used this to justify a conspiracy theory that Blizzard was doing a censorship by flattening her ass. But she never EVER had cake. And theyre still complaining about it in 2023.
Brother is complaining about feminists ruining gaming in the replies as well, of course. I quote retweeted him and he retreated to saying “well she runs a lot so she should have a rounder ass”. All for a game he admits to not playing. Its always something with these porn addled freaks. Like realism fucking matters in a game with a talking gorilla. Also its not even true, i get my flat ass from my grandpa and he ran every day when he was younger and it stayed flat as fuck.
Theres plenty of source porn of Tracer online, you dont need to be turned on by her mid game. Theres also other women in the game that are curvier.
And one more thing!!! The angles deceptive
DID YOU KNOW: if you want to see an overwatch character with an absolute dumptruck of an ass you can go on literally any porn site and see thousands of what you’re looking for there???
There’s an entire episode of King of the Hill about Hank Hill not having an ass but I imagine there’s still tons of porn out there with him.
I guess they’re worried Overwatch will be dethroned in the rule 34 community.
god forbid women wear anything but a skin tight suit.
If she’s not wearing a skintight leather bodysuit with the zipper in the front undone down to her navel, she’s woke
Come to think of it, shouldn’t they have left already on account of Tracer being gay? How unchristian of her!
Gamergate wants the whole world to be this sexless, childproof mass of gray…but they also want sexy stuff for them? Are they not worried that the sexy video games are sinful, or will tempt them to feel the evil satanic feeling of sexual arousal?
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Somehow pointing out that Widowmaker still exists and still looks like this doesnt compute to people saying Tracer is being flattened for censorship.
It is very funny to criticize them for making the characters deliberately not sexy when it is the second most searched category of video game themed porn. Like, they are doing this thing that does not seem profitable for them, but are also really bad at it.
she runs a lot so she should have a rounder ass
yeah she might do a lot of leg workouts but she also has the time travel doohickey which keeps sending her back in time before she did the workout so basically she’s not doing any workout at all
using a time travel device to constantly make my body not tired so i can be a schlub and run around at the speed of sound
Poor Tracer, a modern day Sisyphus.
Running doesn’t really build the glutes much, does it? It’s a lot more work for the calves and hamstrings, and you really need squats or hip lifts to do much for your ass? Idk, maybe I’m wrong
It’s a point of contention, honestly. Good running form does tend to engage the glutes more, but plenty of people tend to under-utilize their posterior chain while running. Sprinters tend to have strong glutes bc you can get a lot of raw power by recruiting those muscles.
That makes a lot of sense, thank you!
Heres an example of a runner for reference.
Can’t tell if this is supposed to be funny or condescending? 😂
Regardless of the intent, it doesn’t really address the question - based on their gear and the setting, those look like serious athletes, so they’re certainly doing all sorts of strength and conditioning on top of their running.
In my view, these asses don’t offer any conclusive evidence in support of the theory that this cartoon character should run more to get a bigger badonk, but thanks for showing them to me! 😂🎉🍑
Not funny or condescending lol just an example. A friend looked up a bunch of runner builds for me after gamingcirclejerk made me feel insane. Honestly none of them had “powerful glutes” situations going on. Their legs are all much more developed than Tracer’s though. But of course, while Tracer is a sprinter she’s not an Olympian.
It did for me, but I was also on my feet 10 hours a day at work on top of that and also did some biking. Distance runners (me at one point) have body horror levels of calves sometimes, with some epic butts.
Also, why do my ankles and knees hurt in my 30s?
gamers when women dont wear skin tight clothes they tuck under their butt for some reason:
what? she objectively has a huge ass in the second picture
fucking cum brain losers holy fuck
I literally just got a reply on reddit saying that “the second picture is antiass too”.
these fucks need every character to look like fucking ice spice or some shit
They give women an ass and the G*mers cry she’s fat. They make her flat and they cry she has no ass. The winning move is to not pay attention to G*mers which devs thankfully do.
Wow that’s some lazy modeling. It looks like they tried to give her loose pants by extruding a shell around her legs and calling it good enough. That or her ankles and belt are tied with elastic and she’s got a fan in there to keep them inflated around her legs.
You want women to dress more modestly? Well here you go.
Think of it as the game devs helping you good Christians not be tempted into sin.
40% of conservatives want Kingdom Come Deliverance as every game
40% of conservatives want Sex Hentai Booba as every game
20% of conservatives want Kingdom Come Deliverance with Sex Hentai Booba mods
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis ?
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Not only did they remove her cleavage, they also removed her
vaginabutt bones.the turnback: “You’re not attracted to women with flatter asses? What are you, gay?”
This is silly but I’m not really impressed with whoever does the modelling at Blizzard these days. The artwork for the mercy skin is 100x better than the skin itself, the effort and love and polish just isn’t there.
overwatch has been giving male characters negative ass size since day one but one woman gets flatter and suddenly western civilization is falling
She didnt even get flater really. Tracer has always been flat of butt.
Duh, she’s a lesbian, ofc the design focuses more on showing off her shoulders and arms. Straight dudes literally know nothing about sex.
You’re assuming these aren’t the same losers who refuse to accept that Tracer’s a lesbian because then their waifu wouldn’t fuck them if she were real.
That’s a lesbian thing 😳
The outfit is really cute. These people have no taste
Forcing down our throats! [Optional paid skin]