So much for the free speech right.
These people go full medieval peasant and then have the gull to say
“You don’t trust corporations?! But the private sector would never hurt us!”
Don’t suppose it’s too late to just F off to China?
It’s already bad enough burgerland decided they’ll just have to live with covid forever since they just couldn’t be bothered to forgo treats for such an occasion.
I am once again begging democrats to just crash out.
The GOP’s whole shtick is being in a six decade long temper tantrum over the civil rights act. Now it’s your turn to crash out.
I think boomers wouldn’t fight either, not out of dissent but on the idea that someone else will be left holding the bag.
Drake the type of guy to float in midair when he smells pie on the windowsill.
I hate dems because they never follow through on their promises, but I hate republicans because they do follow through on their promises.
“At least we’re not COMMUNISTS! Middle school history classes in the west said that communism was bad. Ergo, nazism is good.”
I always point out that they are “national SOCIALISTS”. If CHUDs keep trying to say leftists are the real racists, I’ll just claim they’re “the real communists”.
What even is the point of the cybertruck? Is it just an ‘own the libs’ mobile?
Well you see. We need to combat the horrible persecution of evildoers by big good, even though the good guys haven’t been relevant for decades!
Feds write this crap so they can get people to think all the stupid lies 4chan says about lgbt people are true, don’t they?
Out on bail.
Do CHUDs ever thank their lucky stars they have the mother of all plot armor?
Dude, as someone both queer AND to the left of Hitler, most of this country never shuts up about wanting me dead and you don’t see me whining about it….because I’m not allowed to!
So much for states rights.
“We’re a culture all about hard work!” Says the culture that seeks to take away as many jobs as possible.
Exactly. And therefore a good thing in the US is a problem to be solved.
Now problem solved!