They seem to love the cookie cutter houses chain restaurants and expensive unsustainable living that typifies the American suburb.

I posted a cookie cutter suburban house one time saying it looks like dog shit and bunch of chuds were like “What a beautiful house”.

Spoiled upper middle class women and chuds just seem to venerate suburban sprawl.


  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    They see it as the ultimate American dream. Your own piece of property, nice freshly cut lawn, big house that can shelter a nuclear family, and the best part is that you get away from those dirty urbans. You can never be a poc and walk around a suburb with a hoodie on because people will immediately suspect you’re going to rob them. I’ve had people stare at me uncomfortably when I walk through neighborhoods with my hood on during the fall.

    Immigrant chuds are the same way. They grew up watching Hollywood films that feature those types of neighborhoods and being able to live in one signals to them that they’ve achieved the American dream.