Welcome everyone to the next lemmy.world edition of

Writing Snippets

The semiannual thread where you write the fanfiction!

Simply post a fanfiction scene, story, or idea in the comments below. That’s it, easy!

You don’t have to conform to any theme, write what you got!

Need ideas? Try the PS links - there’s lots of ideas going back.

Have ideas but can’t write? Post them below!

Need more space? Scene break and self-reply, or spread it out over multiple weeks!

So show us what you can do!

Bonus: Tea with Celestia. Tell her what’s going on in your life, she’s listening. Don’t forget Luna, she also wants to hear your stories. You could interact with Twilight or Cadance, they also are here for some stories.

P.S. Last time, The Doctor realizes he needs to get a move on!

Ninja Round: The Reddit version continues to chug along. Maybe grab some ideas from over there?

  • Pulse Wave@hub.hubzilla.de
    1 year ago

    Come to think of it, I’ve always wanted to write down my own idea of an Equestrian-style “tea party” with a special emphasis on tea. Part of a traditional Equestrian tea party would be that everyone brings their own tea and shares it with everyone else so that the other participants can get to know new tea flavours. And find out who loves what kinds of tea.

    In fact, I’d love to make it a “mass-insert” just to have Kettle Master in it.