This is too cruel! Spock could at least be smoked chicken! He has seasonings, and they’re actually more intense than human seasonings! It’s why he must struggle so hard to control them, with white bread and mayo, (maybe some capers for a light touch of alien zing).
But in the struggle to stay connected to his Vulcan roots, he suppresses his want of more flavorful ingredients. Still, his human side grants him the will to allow the spritely and mildly spicy punch of chipotle mayo.
On the other hand, he’s a vegetarian, so I’m not sure about the chicken.
But Vulcans are vegetarian! Surely this should be something plain and veggie. A hummus pita with a single kebab shop pickled chili.
I can’t explain why this is accurate, but it is.
Seems bland as hell on the surface, but hiding a spicy side.
Is the chipotle his human half?
I um that sounds low key delicious.
Fair. Spock is also low key delicious.
Tendi knows tendy
I am thinking it would be matzo bread, paschal lamb with a bit of squeezed lemon and red wine.
And when he sits down to eat it he would notice some tribble hairs and pick them all off individually before eating.
EDIT: Not sure if you can get paschal lamb from a replicator but fuck is that stuff good irl.
Doesn’t track for this human.
This meal: would try out of curiosity.
X: won’t try because garbage.
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