Honestly if you’re a billion in debt, you’re fucking baller mate
If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.
– J. Paul Getty
I couldn’t go that hard if I tried.
If you owe the bank a thousand dollars you have a problem. If you owe the bank a billion dollars the bank has a problem.
He’s told his followers that “cash is trash” and that he doesn’t trust the U.S. dollar, calling it “fake.” Instead, he’s recommended investing in assets like precious metals, bitcoin or Wagyu cattle
Maybe he’s just doing research for his hit sequel: “Rich dad, 1 billion dollar in debt dad”
Kiyosaki has continued to espouse those financial views (and has explored extreme political perspectives, including adopting right-wing-media talking points in his call for the impeachment of President Joe Biden).
Not all morons support the baseless impeachment, but rich people who support the baseless impeachment are all morons.
And they never want to impeach him for the right reasons, like going around Congress to send weapons to an ally committing a genocide.
Committing genocide would be the reason conservatives vote for a candidate, not impeach a candidate.
Look, Solomon’s temple ain’t gunna rebuild itself on the temple mount so we gotta support Israeli genocide until that happens, otherwise Jesus won’t return.
Don’t worry though, when he does, he’ll assuredly take all the good christians to heaven AND exterminate those non-believing Jews so the problem will sorta solve itself. Means to and end and all that.
Yeah, still not even remotely impeachable, and would be an incredibly bad reason too. They could, you know, just use their powers to pass a law and stop him.
If Books Could Kill had a brutal episode on this chucklehead: https://podtail.com/en/podcast/if-books-could-kill/rich-dad-poor-dad/
All he knows how to do is pedal-to-the-metal on scams. It’ll catch up with him eventually, but too late for all the people he’s hurt along the way.
Great to see some love for If Books Could Kill!
Just wish they could pump out a bit more content :P
Just finished listening to the podcast! Many thanks for the recommendation!!!
Sounds like president material to me
It makes him smart
“the greatest president in American history, no president has been greater than him”
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Sooo… poor dad.
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So the title was more autobiographical than we knew- he gets rich and then becomes poor.
So does that make him rich or poor?
He’s so poor that he’s rich again.
Underflow Error
Really rich
So… is he the rich dad or the poor one?
Both, the title of his book is his situation, first he’s rich dad, then he become poor dad.
Being able to leverage massive debt is squarely a rich dad thing
I’ve read his book a few years ago, and he was pretty bullish on risky investments, so…
Yeehaww it’s bankruptcy court for me!
I wonder if he has assets the bank could seize? If they gave him loans without collateral, then they are idiots.
banks don’t offer a billion in loans without collateral.
even with the NY trump fraud case… the core of the problem is that his collateral was over valued and inflated. there are definitely assets the bank will be seizing. they may or may not be way over inflated because this dude is a grifter, but details.
He blatantly said in an interview, proud at that too, that he doesn’t pay tax and everyone should avoid paying too.