Federal student loan payments are about to be due for the first time in three years. Many borrowers will be juggling new debt payments on top of their loans.
Me thinking people should pay off loans they’ve taken out makes me a qanoner? I bought a car that had a loan…I paid it off.
That’s how it works.
You calling anyone who doesn’t blindly trust broad loan forgiveness just continues the divide in our country. Why do you just try to insult people that have different opinions than you?
No, you jumping to stupid conclusions based on a clickbait headline might though.
If you actually read the article, the data they’re quoting says nothing about debt increasing, only that the number of people in that age range with credit cards increased in the few years around when the loan payment pause. You know why that might have happened? Maybe because around the same time covid was happening and everything moved online and needed a card instead of using cash?
Me thinking people should pay off loans they’ve taken out makes me a qanoner? I bought a car that had a loan…I paid it off.
That’s how it works.
You calling anyone who doesn’t blindly trust broad loan forgiveness just continues the divide in our country. Why do you just try to insult people that have different opinions than you?
No, you jumping to stupid conclusions based on a clickbait headline might though.
If you actually read the article, the data they’re quoting says nothing about debt increasing, only that the number of people in that age range with credit cards increased in the few years around when the loan payment pause. You know why that might have happened? Maybe because around the same time covid was happening and everything moved online and needed a card instead of using cash?
Why do you just try to insult people?