It appears that comments stopped federating to other instances again sometime yesterday morning (January 5th, before 8AM EST). I can verify that the issue is affecting outgoing comments to multiple different instances (incl. & and that it remains ongoing as of the time of writing (e.g.: compare this remote post vs. SDF’s copy, my comment is missing). I’ll do the honors and ping here and now so you guys don’t have to.

In the meantime, since we’re all marooned here anyway: how’s everyone’s weekend been going so far? Any exciting plans?

  • u/lukmly013 💾 (
    1 year ago

    how’s everyone’s weekend been going so far? Any exciting plans?

    Nothing special. And definitely nothing exciting. I’ve been procrastinating my math homework the whole holidays, leaving that for tomorrow.
    But just a side note, when backing up the IOS with web-based device manager from a cisco device (archive upload-sw), it will list all files and directories while it’s doing so, including the path to those files.
    And not that I would do such thing, absolutely not, but if you do decide to set the baud rate to 300, perhaps because you like to watch the characters appear on the screen and you’re kinda weird, it will still try to print all that info. All 616 files and folders in my case. But worry not, the default exec-timeout is 10 minutes, and anyway, it would otherwise still take just around 15 minutes (it’s 33,667 characters in this case).
    Edit: Wait, I forgot about start and stop bits, so around 19 minutes.