In my ongoing crusade to make myself miserable I once again am looking towards reddit-logo for the newest in how to just be an absolute piece of shit.

One may critique the way Israel is operating this war, and especially questioning and discussing if this is proportional.

Why thank you Holger it’s really important to me to talk if Israel is allowed to kill 1000 brown people or 10’000 brown people this is why the moderate center is the moral center of germany.

A “genocide” this however not make, no matter how much this is repeated on tiktok and co.

Go fuck yourself

The hereby arguments of South Africa (You can find the hearings on youtube) were in any case weak. For example reprimanding closing the border to Gaza, without mentioning that they are closed since 7. October, because they were overrun by Hamas, partially destroyed and the people manning it butchered. In general, one has the impression, Hamas wouldn’t exist in the eyes of South Africa.

Oh those unwashed barbarian hordes, they overran our defensive walls they butchered the people peacefully defending those walls by shooting the kneecaps.

Like I’m sorry this is your entire thing? Hans over here ‘watched it’ and all he gets from it, ‘But ze afrikaners zey didn’t mention the horrible attack of ze border crossings’. Literally laying out all the horrible shit Israeli government officials have said pubically, all the shit Israel did and is doing. ‘Ze Afrikaners did not condemn ze Hamas so I have to make an arguements zat it is not a genocide’. Also fuck your passive voice Albert trying to be objective.

reddit-logo germany-cool

Link because I’m not a lib fuck allüdafrika/

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    A “genocide” this however not make, no matter how much this is repeated on tiktok and co.

    Israel: Kills 1000 people

    Reddit: “This is not a genocide”

    Israel: Kills 10,000 people

    Reddit: “This is still not a genocide”

    Israel: Kills 1% of the population and displaces another 85%

    Reddit: “Stop saying this is a genocide. You’re just on TikTok too much. Just saying it over and over again doesn’t make it true. This is classic Big Lie propaganda and you are falling for the same tricks that Hitler used to invade Germany.”

    Russia: Fires a barrage of missiles across the border to Ukraine

    Reddit: “Vladimir Putin is history’s greatest monster and we must post 10x harder if we are to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”