why if cryptocurrency is required it will be a scam?
Just to be pedantic, cryptocurrency does not mean it’s a scam. It’s just that scammer invariably want to use cryptocurrency to incentivize people to take out sized risks that are not priced into the payments.
They want to use crypto, to pay you very small amounts that don’t make sense on traditional networks, and to avoid identifying themselves.
Running a dark net exit node for Pennies a day, does not compensate for the legal risk, when somebody uses your exit node for illegal activity.
What is dVPN? Is it decentralized VPN?
I don’t know but that was my immediate reaction.
Hi guys,
What do you think anbout dVPNs e.g. Mysterium, Sentinel, etc.?
First time I hear about them, curious to see what others will say
If they are closed source then they are a scam.
Mysterium I looked at their website but it wasn’t clear how they were a dvpn.
Safing is a interesting approach to distributed VPNs. Unlike the crypto models, you pay for your use with the subscription the payments accepted via crypto if you like. So there’s no direct link to you as the payee
Each circuit could take a different path through the network, it’s kind of like a self-supported tor architecture.
It’s a super interesting project I highly recommend reading about it if you’re interested in distributed VPNs, or even onion networks in general
Of course the granddaddy’s of distributed VPNs are tor and I2P. That should be the start of any of your research, and then you can look at the more niche options.
Avoid any VPN that, distributed or not, that’s closed source. The vast majority of the " crypto VPNs " The clothes source packages which do evil things to your network
It is decentralized
It’s a onion network
But they do charge a monthly fee, which is something Tor doesn’t do