Or that sound travels across water? I assume it’s because usually there are blockages, tree/buildings horizontally, while in high-rises and boats there are nothing blocking sounds

Edit. The myth here is that sound travels across water and upwards more than any other direction. Apologies if it was not worded well

  • supernicepojo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Sound is a wave, a vibration, from a source. That wave “vibrates” through a medium like air, brick, water or glass and enters you ear canal vibrates your ear drum and you hear it as sound. The density of the material it travels through, the distance from the source and the amount of energy of the sound affect the quality of what you hear. It is omnidirectional from the source, where there are less dense objects in the way is the direction you will hear the best. Reason why you can hear airplanes thousands of feet away: theres very little in the way to block or disturb the energetic waves propagated from turbines.