I have my emotions off for some time now, how do I turn them on again?
There’s a spot inside ur butt that’ll make you feel again. Get someone to press it and you’ll feel all sorts of ways.
Note: This button may not be present in about half the population.
While true, a finger up the butt still makes that other half feel things
Have you tried developing severe bipolar disorder?
Tried that. Now numbness is interspersed with extreme recklessness
Am woman. Plucked a hair out of my chin yesterday and have no emotions. Am I doing this right?
Simple: just take more estrogen
Uhh. I need to find my settings app, please!
Look for the thing with the gears.
Actually since the update its the one with cogs.
All I have is the three lines.
Easy peasy: just be sensitive and get hurt a lot, emotions turn off, and stay off, by default after a while because the Detachment module is triggered on.
My schoolmates pranked me and turned it off, how do I turn it back on?
“First go to settings”
Then scroll down to “About life”, open it and tap “Version” seven times to unlock developer mode. Go back to the main menu, and open developer options, tick “Opt into beta features”.
Then just restart your life and follow the instructions.
It’s probably in task scheduler. Look for tasks that run when idle and disable them.
Every eighteen months (more or less) I have to taper off from coffee, especially if I get up to 32 oz a day, at which point I’m a buzzy, angsty basket case. Every two days, I drop my intake to a half to a quarter (so like 8oz on day one, and then 4 oz on day three and then 2 oz on day five).
If I go cold turkey, I get headaches. This way, I just nap a lot.
During this period, all my fucks go away. Gone. I have absolute zero fucks to give about anything. Mostly I just sit in a corner and social media scroll as if doing any of that will stimulate me somehow. It won’t.
This is the closest I get to turning off my emotions, but man, it shuts down everything.
okay but seriously is there a way to turn off our emojis?
Depends on your phone’s keyboard