I’m glad autism doesn’t have a “cure”, because I’m sure it would’ve been used to eugenics autism out of existence.
I’m glad autism doesn’t have a “cure”, because I’m sure it would’ve been used to eugenics autism out of existence.
It’s important to follow the egg prime directive
Am I arospec or just autistic? My idea of romance doesn’t match most people’s, it feels much more like friendship+ for me.
I experience some romantic attraction but I don’t get “dates”. Like, how is that different from just hanging out with a close friend? At least my girlfriend doesn’t care about whether something’s technically a date, she just likes hanging out with me.
I used to think we should vote for slowing down the badness (voting Democrat instead of letting Republicans win), but after seeing them do almost nothing in the face of obvious fascism and rule-breaking (the Democrats love being bound by rules), maybe it’s better to burn everything down faster. Stalling might have just been boiling the frog that is the US citizenry.
Should’ve started at 0. Why is 12 < 1?
I wonder what he’d think of vaginoplasty
I can’t even mount my Android storage to my computer without some unreliable MTP FUSE program.
That’s my head cannon for the plot of Celeste
How about a compromise: keep the principles, then nobexhaustively list common examples of how those apply.
Is that the JS bundle only? I think you’re forgetting the need to ship a rendering engine, a JavaScript engine, and the rest of the JS you inevitably bring in if you’re using something like React.
Funny how my privacy isn’t considered
You just have the prerogative to have a little fun with it
Trans people are an oppressed, stateless people if you think about it. Though I don’t really want a Transylvania, I just want to stop being oppressed.
They’re enforcing their version of culture, a very white conservative one. “Culture war” doesn’t mean completely unserious, the consequences are very real.
It is a distraction from the root cause, they have people voting against their own self interest to make minorities suffer rather than demand better working and living conditions. It’s redirected anger wielded for their gains.
2.2us from their reference frame
Even worse, they could be gayed or transed! /s
I’ve seen trans men call themselves lesbian (for similar reasons to you), so there’s already precedent for that.
I also get what you mean about “sapphic” referring to a vibe rather than a gender. I’m technically bi, but generally I call myself lesbian because I’m only interested in people that give me that kind of vibe. Not strictly women, there’s just a high correlation.