Proton pass
Guys I use proton mail and proton pass but the issue I have is that how can I have a secure password for proton mail with 2fa if I use proton pass? If I have a less difficult password then I am lowering my security and If I want to have a 2fa (with local encrypted file) then I have to save it on some secure cloud, which for me is proton drive or mega then again I have those passwords saved in proton pass so I would have to login to proton pass first, If I lower password of those apps then again it risks security. ( I am sorry I am so confused). Please help!
Sounds like it’s time for some correcthorsebatterystaple!
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Okay yeah I’ll admit that’s pretty bad, haha. The only password I actually know nowadays is the passphrase to my Keepass database, which clocks in at 40 characters. I rarely say this to people, but have you considered a shorter password? :P
I don’t even know my master password :D I use some script to generate it and I just copy+paste it.
Use a passphrase (not a password) and a physical security key, like a yubikey. It also supports TOTP or whatever 2fa Proton uses, you just connect it with a laptop or phone and it gives you a key.
A physical key is much more secure than 2fa from a password manager (although both are probably fine)
In my opinion the centralization of all your data and secrets to one single company is itself a security risk. When I realized that, I completely stopped using proton. I see 2 main issues with using all-proton: 1. they could turn evil (like a lot of big companies do) 2. They can have exploits which then can effect all your data / secrets. I switched to have a different company for each service and I don’t really pay more than what I would have to pay proton to get the same things.
I use all of Proton’s products as well. I’ve found a Yubikey works best for the 2FA codes. I’m also working on having a backup password manager
Im in the same boat. They really need to allow a second password for the pass database.
Sorry if it’s a dumb question, but why not just change your account password to something you’d use for a pass database?
Yeah that’s already how it works. That’s why in certain browsers logging in takes forever if you have a ton of mail, it has to decrypt the metadata of each email, then the contents when you click that email. Try enabling email content search on proton with over 5k emails.