After reading this post on how to organize people in Obsidian, I finally started doing it myself.

Immediately I was faced with a new problem: how do I organize locations? I could think of two ways to deal with it from the top of my head:

  • Each location has its own note, which is then cross-linked. So department would be linked to company which would be linked to the city where it is located.
  • Hierarchy inside a few notes. This would look like [[country#subregion#city#company#department]]

The second option would result in fewer scattered notes, but I’m unsure if that is actually desirable.

What system do you have?

    2 years ago

    My thought is to use separate notes for each. Then link to the parent in a dedicated field of the frontmatter (which will be nicely formatted as a link if you’re on 1.4). In each location that might have sub-locations, use a dataview query to list all of its immediate children. There might even be a way with dataviewjs to list all of the people in a given region by traversing the “tree” of successive links.