After clicking on several of the many, many links in that article, that without exception all lead to completely unrelated topics, I’m still left with the question: what was the reason kids were stuck on the bus till 10p.m.?
Driver shortage led the county to reconfigure school bus routes trying to “stretch” existing drivers, but the new routes made things even worse. Kids weren’t stuck on the bus, they were stuck waiting for buses at bus stops.
If instead of clicking all the links you had read the article, it’s explained:
The Associated Press reported that the school district spent $199,000 to hire the AlphaRoute engineering firm to create a plan that would cut the number of bus routes and stops. According to The Louisville Courier-Journal, the school district changed its bus schedule and start times this year in an attempt to cope with a bus driver shortage.
They were short on bus drivers, and they hired a firm to come up with a plan that would “make it work”. Specifics of the routes aren’t given, but I’d imagine that they were completely ridiculous for any kids to have still been on buses six or seven hours after school got out.
Oh, it’s a publicly-funded position? Then the drivers ought to work for free, right? Why, it’s practically welfare if the taxpayer is footing the bill! (/s I hope is obvious)
Tax payers determine the amount of taxes their school districts receive to pay employees and make capital expenditures. The community needs to offer more pay, be more affordable, or suffer the consequences of under funded districts.
Damn, I would have ubered myself to pickup my kid if they were still there that long. I know some folks might not have the means, but I personally would have figured something out instead of letting my child wait at school until 10 pm.
My kid is in high school, and they communicate about emergencies through text, email, and automated calls. There are lots of jobs, especially low-paying ones, that will not let you check your phone during your shift, and they’re certainly not going to be okay with you leaving early to go pick up your kid. If the choice is “leave to pick up kid (who you know is safe with teachers), get fired,” versus “leave kid (who you know is safe with teachers), keep job,” it’s pretty simple math.
I’ve initially had the same reaction but on second thought probably not everybody can afford to drop everything and go looking for their kid. Assuming of course they cared, they were told about it etc.
The linked article is terrible, I’ve linked a few better ones. Not all kids got home at 10 PM, that was just the last of them.
After clicking on several of the many, many links in that article, that without exception all lead to completely unrelated topics, I’m still left with the question: what was the reason kids were stuck on the bus till 10p.m.?
Driver shortage led the county to reconfigure school bus routes trying to “stretch” existing drivers, but the new routes made things even worse. Kids weren’t stuck on the bus, they were stuck waiting for buses at bus stops.
Better articles:
The title of this post is terrible then
I mean there were some kids on a bus at 10pm so it’s technically accurate, but yeah, it completely fails to explain the situation properly.
Actually, I wonder if it’s some sort of AI summary now that I think about it.
If instead of clicking all the links you had read the article, it’s explained:
They were short on bus drivers, and they hired a firm to come up with a plan that would “make it work”. Specifics of the routes aren’t given, but I’d imagine that they were completely ridiculous for any kids to have still been on buses six or seven hours after school got out.
They could’ve hired at least 3 more drivers with that money.
Probably 6 with how little they pay
They’re having trouble finding people who want to do the job for the pay they’re offering.
Y’know, there’s a solution to that which costs less than 200k…
*The pay John Q. Public is offering.
Oh, it’s a publicly-funded position? Then the drivers ought to work for free, right? Why, it’s practically welfare if the taxpayer is footing the bill! (/s I hope is obvious)
Tax payers determine the amount of taxes their school districts receive to pay employees and make capital expenditures. The community needs to offer more pay, be more affordable, or suffer the consequences of under funded districts.
Really terrible bus routes trying to skate by with a miniumum of drivers.
They weren’t stuck on buses they were waiting on buses to arrive. There were school staff with them.
Damn, I would have ubered myself to pickup my kid if they were still there that long. I know some folks might not have the means, but I personally would have figured something out instead of letting my child wait at school until 10 pm.
From reading the articles it seems many children were collected but of course they also complained to the school board about the disruption.
Yeah I find the idea of that happening very unlikely. You’d think the parents would hunting down their kids before that happened.
My kid is in high school, and they communicate about emergencies through text, email, and automated calls. There are lots of jobs, especially low-paying ones, that will not let you check your phone during your shift, and they’re certainly not going to be okay with you leaving early to go pick up your kid. If the choice is “leave to pick up kid (who you know is safe with teachers), get fired,” versus “leave kid (who you know is safe with teachers), keep job,” it’s pretty simple math.
I’ve initially had the same reaction but on second thought probably not everybody can afford to drop everything and go looking for their kid. Assuming of course they cared, they were told about it etc.
The linked article is terrible, I’ve linked a few better ones. Not all kids got home at 10 PM, that was just the last of them.
The reason was to generate a click bait headline.