I’ve created this community because I’ve found a few places that regularly give away free games, and there are probably a lot of you out there who aren’t aware of them but also like freebies!
This is a place to post limited-time giveaways of full video games that are then yours to keep forever at no cost (i.e. this is not for steam sales, free-to-play games, free weekends, competition giveaways, or free in-game items!) - that said I’m not the boss here, if people want to change the rules then just shout!
Here are some good places to keep an eye on:
- https://steamdb.info/upcoming/free/ - SteamDB’s list of Steam freebies
- https://gg.deals/games/free-games/ - GG Deals’ list of freebies across different shopfronts
- https://gaming.amazon.com/ - free games (some on other shopfronts) if you currently pay for Amazon Prime (though you don’t lose them when you cancel)
- https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/free-games - Epic Games usually give away at least one game every Thursday
- https://www.gog.com/en/partner/free_games - free games (some new, some 90s classics) from GOG, CDPR’s DRM-free shop front
- https://www.gog.com/giveaway/claim - direct link to claim GOG giveaways
- https://itch.io/games/free - free (temporarily or permanently) indie games on Itch
I’ll probably post any freebies I see on these sites whenever I happen to check them but don’t let that stop you if you see them before me! Also these are all PC games as that’s what I generally play, if you find any similar deals for consoles then feel free to post them too.
I have a few more resources noted down, if you’d be interested for the list:
Should I list the NSFW resources too?
Cheers, I’ve been meaning to do a new sticky post for a while now so these should be useful. You’re welcome to post the other links here, up to everyone else whether they want to click them!
A few more (SFW) I forgot:
)Of the NSFW ones, first the DLsite ones (so many because the store is split in multiple sections, and so much noise in the links because filters are hardcoded into them):
Other NSFW sources, all sorted by price so if any freebie pops up, it’s easier to spot:
And lastly, some UbO filters I made since I commented so much about them:
! Denpasoft - hiding stuff already in the account (make a new filter for each title): !denpasoft.com##a[href="link_goes_here"]:upward(article[class="x-col e244827-e17 m58wr-d m58wr-e m58wr-f m58wr-i"]) ! DLsite - hiding stuff already claimed and owned (may need to expand since DLsite has its store sections all split): www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl disabled"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner for_pc "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner for_pc "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner for_ios_android "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_04 "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 for_ios_android "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl disabled"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_st"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart disabled"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 for_pc "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner for_pc "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner for_android "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 for_android "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 for_ios "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_st"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_02 "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl disabled"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_dl disabled"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 for_pc "]) ! DLsite - hiding what's already in the cart (also may need to expand): www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart_in"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 for_ios_android "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart_in"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart_in"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner for_pc "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart_in"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart_in"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_01 for_pc "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart_in"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner type_exclusive_02 "]) ! DLsite - hiding what can't be activated or bought (also may need to expand): www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart disabled"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner for_pc "]) www.dlsite.com##a[class="btn_cart disabled"]:upward(li[class="search_result_img_box_inner "]) ! Epic Games/EGS - hiding what's already activated (make a new filter for each title): !store.epicgames.com##a[href^="href_aqui"]:upward(li[class="css-lrwy1y"]) !E.g.: !store.epicgames.com##a[href^="/p/thewatch-2c8a8e"]:upward(li[class="css-lrwy1y"]) ! Freetchio & Itchclaim - hiding what you already have from Itchio (make a new filter for each title): !shaigrorb.github.io##a[href="link_goes_here"]:upward(sl-card[id]) !itchclaim.tmbpeter.com##a[href="link_goes_here"]:upward(tr) ! IndieGala - hide stuff already claimed/bought (make a new filter for each title): !indiegala.com##a[href="link_goes_here"]:upward(div[class="main-list-item-col left"]) !freebies.indiegala.com##a[href="link_goes_here"]:upward(div[class="col-3 products-col"]) ! Kagura Games (EN & JP) - hiding by owned products (make a new filter for each product) !www.kaguragames.com##a[href="full_link_goes_here"]:upward(div[class^="product-small col has-hover product type-product post-"]) !kaguragamesjp.com##a[href="link_goes_here"]:upward(div[class^="product-small col has-hover product type-product post-"]) ! Kagura Games - hiding Kagura Survivors specifically since it cannot be claimed: www.kaguragames.com##a[href="https://www.kaguragames.com/product/kagura-survivors-endless-night/"]:upward(div[class^="product-small col has-hover product type-product post-"]) ! Project EGG - hiding by price (make a new filter for each price): !www.amusement-center.com##span[class="yen"]:has-text(value_goes_here):upward(ul[class="mode_1"]) ! E.g.: www.amusement-center.com##span[class="yen"]:has-text(330):upward(ul[class="mode_1"]) www.amusement-center.com##span[class="yen"]:has-text(440):upward(ul[class="mode_1"]) ! Project EGG - hiding stuff already activated (make a new filter for each title): !www.amusement-center.com##a[href^="?product_id=ID_aqui"]:upward(ul[class="mode_1"]) !E.g.: !www.amusement-center.com##a[href^="?product_id=1908"]:upward(ul[class="mode_1"]) ! Zoom Platform - hiding stuff already owned (needs to be logged in for it to work): !www.zoom-platform.com##div[class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 px-2 py-1 z-20 text-xs font-semibold bg-accent-green bg-opacity-80"]:upward(div[class^="flex justify-center w-full max-w-full pr-2 xxs:max-w-1/2 sm:max-w-1/3 md:max-w-cover md:pr-0"]) ! Zoom Platform - hiding stuff by price (make a new filter for each title): !www.zoom-platform.com##span[class="my-0.5 "]:has-text("price_goes_here"):upward(div[class^="flex justify-center w-full max-w-full pr-2 xxs:max-w-1/2 sm:max-w-1/3 md:max-w-cover md:pr-0"]) !www.zoom-platform.com##span[class="my-0.5"]:has-text("price_goes_here"):upward(div[class^="flex justify-center w-full max-w-full pr-2 xxs:max-w-1/2 sm:max-w-1/3 md:max-w-cover md:pr-0"]) ! E.g.: www.zoom-platform.com##span[class="my-0.5 "]:has-text("0.99"):upward(div[class^="flex justify-center w-full max-w-full pr-2 xxs:max-w-1/2 sm:max-w-1/3 md:max-w-cover md:pr-0"]) www.zoom-platform.com##span[class="my-0.5"]:has-text("0.99"):upward(div[class^="flex justify-center w-full max-w-full pr-2 xxs:max-w-1/2 sm:max-w-1/3 md:max-w-cover md:pr-0"])
Hey, can you provide some assistance with this filter I posted about in another thread? It works great at the moment, but I figure there is a better way to go about it that might be more future-proof. Original comment below:
Not sure where to really post this, so I will just try in this thread. I came up with a custom uBlock Origin filter to remove all the games for certain stores (Epic, Prime Gaming, etc.) from the free games page on Amazon so you can focus on only the stores you actually care about (GOG, etc.). Just remove the line for each store that you do want to see. But it looks like it is likely not dynamic enough to apply to potential future updates to the webpage. Is anyone here familiar with uBock filter syntax and able to assist?
In English, the logic here is basically:
tags downa
tag with adata-a-target
value oflearn-more-card
containing the target stringdiv
tag of thata
Relevant HTML
Maybe this?
It’s the filter that is the least dependent on div blocks’ structure that I can think, and unless Amazon changes either (or both) their links format and how they list stuff, at most I think you’d need to change the
part every once in a while, as such bigger sites seem to change the divs’ names some times.Thanks! Can you work in
as the starting point for the filter? I am not sure what syntax to use to look fora[href*="platform_specific_tag/"]
without specifying how many elements down it is. Without targeting thatid
for the “Free games” tab, your filter leaves weird blank spots in the “All” tab for each game that got filtered out.I usually go directly to https://gaming.amazon.com/home?filter=Game so I’ll need to check the all tab too.
Just checked it.
For the empty spaces in the carousel, you could use this:
And the
is what appears in their links when you open their pages and that, from what I can observe, is specific to where they activate in.For example, in Jurassic World Evolution and Electrician Simulator, the tag is the
part of the link.For Overcooked 2 and The Outer Worlds, it’s
.And though it should work without the
, maybe better keep it, as the lack thereof may trigger false positives, like if Legacy of Kain for GOG is available, but you blocklegacy
results in case you want nothing from Legacy Games, you won’t see Legacy of Kain due to its name appearing in the link.This is what I ended up with to block everything but GOG. Thanks for all your help!
A comprehensive list! Feel free to post any giveaways here (maybe not the porny ones!), though I try and spread them out so I’m not doing like 8 similar giveaways all on the same day.