Elon, you’re in your 50s now, dude. Stop talking about blowjobs
My congresswoman, the richest man in the world, and an award-winning journalist talking like middle schoolers on a social media shitposting website. What a time to be alive
There are no adversarial interviews anywhere, why would a politican do adversarial interview
holy shit just suck some dick already, the two of you
She’s replying to him as if Elon didn’t comply with the military and send over starlinks lol. I’m surprised they haven’t killed him for turning them off.
Quite the rogues’ gallery, eesh
How did Greenwald go from being an actual journalist and standing by Chelsea Manning, to this?
deleted by creator
The hellsite is so bad it will make you completely miss the reality around you where all the people whose
you’re protecting want you and your husband dead. Ideology, folks, it’s real and it will ruin us.
occasionally get some things right, by coincidence.
Oke so here’s my 2 cents. He started as a lawyer with a blog regarding the patriot act. It eventually lead to the intercept and Edward Snowden. While fighting the intercept on the hunter Biden laptopt story he also liberated Lula (Brazil’s president) from prison that was orchestrated by the CIA. So… He left the intercept due to the Biden story being concerned.
I therefore think he had a special hatred for the democrats as shown in his early rumble videos.
However, in his latest videos he’s way more balanced and does great works with multiple journalists around the world concerning Ukraine, Israël, privacy, censorship and USA imperialism. He doesn’t or rarely uses the word imperialism though. I think because a significant part of his audience is right wing.
Nevertheless, in his latest videos he has been bashing right wing politicians about the hypocrisy of wanting to stop Ukraine funding but wanting to fund Israël’s genocide.
I think he’s trying to send the message without using certain terms as to not scare people away from the bigger picture.
Which is, the USA is fucked and is fucking the rest in the process.
I understand the friction with the American left holding him back and leading to his decision to go elsewhere, but cultivating a fash audience actively alienated a lot of his real life friends (see: public fallout with Chelsea Manning), let alone readers. Not to mention, however limited he felt with the Intercept not letting him criticize Biden too much, is just nothing next to the censorship he experiences now as you mention that he can’t even use any left wing language because his audience is almost entirely chuds. Dude just completely cooked himself over the laptop story.
Honestly, he’s all over the place, I gave up on trying to understand his political position.
Didn’t Manning also jump in line?
How so? I think I may have seen her say some lib stuff about Russia but nothing unacceptable (at least, nothing I wouldn’t expect from someone who’s just progressive and not some sort of Leninist).
Vaguely recall some junk on support of Biden and Ukraine. Could be misremembering tbh
Genocide Joe has been completely useless at protecting trans people but as a cis dude I’m not gonna get on her case if she’s more opposed to Trump than concerned with pressuring dems.
First time I see this capitalist pig saying something right