For those asking, Wikipedia is a decent start: is a “Third Place”? The only definition I know is as a place that is neither home nor work in an urban environment but that is less personal.
Correct. They largely went away for various reasons but still feature heavily in media.
OP is asking if you go to a place that is neither home nor work.
I have no idea what this means.
A place to regularly socialize that isn’t home or work. Ideally somewhere that you can reach within walking distance of one of those other two places.
I am stressed out by groups of people and have some (not crippling) social anxiety. I tend to come home right after work as it’s my happy place. I don’t see the appeal of bars, libraries, etc as a Place To Be because I have my home (which is a privilege I am thrilled to be able to have) and bought one so that I can be there instead of out in an environment that isn’t mine.
I do have a virtual third place if that counts - it’s a Discord server. The people there are friendly and I can always lurk or leave if I don’t want to socialise.
Yes, I have a local wildlife refuge with a long gravel road that heads through the marsh. It’s my sunrise thinking spot. Occasionally run into people I know, but never planned.
A little down and to the right of first and second
Sort of? Playing tabletop role-playing games is my go to, but that is either at a friend’s house or my house.
Art class
I have two: my neighborhood library, and a few bars. Depends if I’m in a reading or socializing mood
I don’t even have a second place anymore. I’ve been working from home for so long. I only interact with co-workers for ~15 minutes a day on zoom.
I don’t go very often, about once a month, but it’s the bar with my friends.
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My PlayStation 2