So I’ve spent a bit of time over the past few years trying to reason my way trough society breaking away from our capitalist overlords.

Let me try to summarize some of my thinking as simply as possible; you start a second economy, one founded using Blockchain technologies and algocracy, with an utter focus on human welfare and ensuring resistance to tampering and unjust accumulation of power and wealth. You siphon the global population over to this new economy effectively stifling the old economy where the totality of the 1%'s wealth resides and is therefore rendered worthless.

The above is by no means a complete summary and there are a bunch of other concepts loosely associated with this such as environmental sustainability, transhumanism, degrowth, fostering small communities etc.

I’ve written about DACs, one of the components of the above here:

    2 years ago

    The system we abide by is, in part, due to a kind of momentum that keeps it going and there would be a great innertia with a sudden change of direction. But for the most part the current system exists because of the way people are. People are a) totally up in their heads believing the intellect is a human’s highest capability, and b) utterly miserable. We know how to engineer every little aspect of life to further pur convenience except the aspect that counts: ourselves.

    We have no idea how to engineer ourselves to be joyful, peaceful, energised and equanimous beings. It doesn’t come from a change of environment. Internal change must be engineered in another way.