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Andrei “Murz” Morozov is reported to have shot himself.

Russian occupier who had been fighting against Ukraine since 2014. Was known for not trying to hide problems in the Russian army and publicly highlighting them. He committed suicide after his command demanded that he delete a post about huge irrecoverable losses near Avdeevka. I hardly followed him as he was out of my responsibility, but I can say a word or two about his early background. The man couldn’t find himself in life and was constantly hanging out playing Panzer Commander and other wargames. Despite the ability to look soberly at a particular situation, globally “Murz” always lived in a kind of fictional world, largely inspired by the worlds of the Strugatsky brothers, on whose books he grew up. He was one of the few ideological: he was not interested in money or fame. Such are the most dangerous - fanatics. It is very symbolic that he shot himself just when the system feels triumphant, seizing Ukrainian cities and physically destroying the opposition. He realised that he was no longer needed with his truth-telling, that he was all alone and if he did not kill himself, his own people would kill him and do it in a more painful, horrible and mocking way. For Ukraine this is good news - a dangerous enemy has voluntarily passed away. For the Russian system, it’s another signal of what else will overwhelm them when the rotten system that relies only on countless masses collides forehead to forehead with the aftershock. “We don’t need the smart ones. We need the right ones.”


  • Mbourgon
    1 year ago

    No clue who this dude was. From the wiki:

    Andrei Morozov was born on 17 August 1979,[2] in Moscow.[3] Morozov had been taking part in the Donbas War since 2014. He ran a Telegram channel, to which more than 100 thousand people subscribed. He was known for his criticism of the military leadership.[4] Morozov was the former leader of Red Blitzkrieg, a Russian Stalinist group. In 2008, found guilty of hooliganism, illegal possession of weapons, and calls for extremism, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison.[5] He was sentenced on 26 June 2008 and released on parole on 14 July 2009.[6]

    He shelled the United Russia office in Moscow in March 2007.[citation needed] Morozov took part in the attack on the Polish Embassy in Moscow. He took part in the Battle of Debaltseve.[citation needed] From February 2022, Morozov was involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[7] Morozov was a member of the “Coordination Center for Assistance to Novorossiya” from November 2015.[8] He was a serviceman of the 4th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Army.[9] He was also a guard sergeant in the 14th LPR Prizrak Armored Troops.[10] In c. September–December 2023, he was a guest of the “Intelligence Questioning” project of Dmitry Puchkov.[11]

    Death[edit] On 18 February 2024, Morozov published a post in his telegram channel telling about Russian casualties during the Battle of Avdiivka. Two days later, on 20 February 2024, he deleted the post, claiming to have been forced into doing so by Vladimir Solovyov. The next day, on 21 February 2024, he posted a suicide note, blaming Solovyov, and took his own life. He was 44.[12]

    • NVL@infosec.pubOP
      1 year ago

      Без поняття, що це був за чувак. З вікі:

      Андрій Морозов народився 17 серпня 1979 року[2] в Москві.[3] Морозов брав участь у війні на Донбасі з 2014 року. Вів Telegram-канал, на який було підписано понад 100 тисяч осіб. Він був відомий своєю критикою військового керівництва[4]. Морозов був колишнім лідером російського сталіністського угруповання “Червоний бліцкриг”. У 2008 році, визнаний винним у хуліганстві, незаконному зберіганні зброї та закликах до екстремізму, він був засуджений до 3 років позбавлення волі[5]. 26 червня 2008 року він був засуджений, а 14 липня 2009 року звільнений умовно-достроково[6].

      Він обстріляв офіс “Єдиної Росії” в Москві в березні 2007 р.[джерело не вказано] Морозов брав участь у нападі на посольство Польщі в Москві. Брав участь у битві за Дебальцеве[джерело не вказано] З лютого 2022 року Морозов брав участь у російському вторгненні в Україну[7] З листопада 2015 року Морозов був членом “Координаційного центру допомоги Новоросії”. [8] Був військовослужбовцем 4-ї окремої мотострілецької бригади російської армії[9], гвардії сержантом 14-го Призрак бронетанкових військ ЛНР[10]. Приблизно у вересні-грудні 2023 року був гостем проекту Дмитра Пучкова “Допрос розвідки”[11].

      Загибель[ред. - ред. код] 18 лютого 2024 року Морозов опублікував у своєму телеграм-каналі пост, в якому розповів про втрати росіян під час боїв за Авдіївку. Через два дні, 20 лютого 2024 року, він видалив пост, стверджуючи, що його змусив до цього Володимир Соловйов. Наступного дня, 21 лютого 2024 року, він опублікував передсмертну записку, в якій звинуватив Соловйова, і наклав на себе руки. Йому було 44 роки[12].