Seriously, check this game out; it’s extremely fun. Helldivers x Minecraft.
The game lets you have a flamethrower, terrain deforming drills, and plastic explosives all at the same time. It’s good.
drillers satchel charge is unweildy, and more often than not i put it down as a chokepoint hold that never gets used while the bugs pour in from the other direction, but
heh, lemme tell ya
I’m pretty sure they’re already unionized, it’s just the union is either weak or collaborationist. Actually I think there are three separate unions, all in competition with one another or something like that?
really? I know very little of the lore.
There is a “union” mechanic that obtusely involves some integration with the official discord server where someone can join one of three unions (and there are in-game signs telling you to do so) and receive small in-game bonuses based on missions completed by members of that union in a given month, though apparently that integration and tracking is spotty and inconsistent at best. I’m not on the official discord so I don’t know first-hand how it works or why there are three competing unions.
on one hand
For Karl!
on the other
company scrip
at least i have unlocked :ushanka:
Company scrip in a socialist society would just be money but for luxury shit like ushankas and not required for basic necessities, notice how the only thing that you can consume that costs anything is beer.
Edit: Yes I know a ushanka isn’t a luxury item I was just using it as an example of an aesthetic item purchasable in the game’s world