Basically, I took on too many miles too quick. And boom knee pain even when walking now. I don’t want to stop moving entirely, but I’m just not sure what I should be during this downtime. I’m pretty new to running so only been doing it for about 2 weeks and I’m a little heavier, so it probably beat my legs up. But I love running and don’t want to give it up.

    2 years ago

    Obviously, it’s impossible to know from here, but I had a knee flare up that took ages to recover from. I couldn’t run and walking, getting up/down from chairs was painful.

    The thing that helped was seeing a physio. I’d tried all kinds of voodoo (neoprene supports, etc) before that, and postponed recovery.

    She got me to stretch, stand on one leg, etc and watched how I moved. Eventually, she gently pushed her thumb onto the inner side of my knee cap—OUCH, THAT’S IT! It was immensely painful, but I realised that all the nagging pain was from this very specific area. It wasn’t like normal pain, where the source hurts most and it’s obvious what’s wrong and where it is.

    She gave me some self-massage and stretch exercises, which helped. I still do them for a couple of minutes a couple of times a week, just to prevent a comeback.