So I prefer closing shift at my job cuz I like being able to sleep in a bit, make breakfast, do some chores, and maybe go for a walk before work, after I usually just wanna smoke weed and play some Brigador.

But my job is cutting hours cuz we’re slow as fuck right now. On paper I’m fine with that cuz I’m in college right now and like more homework time, but as the closer it sucks. I’m going into work at fucking 3pm now, nobody can sleep in that late unless they’re hungover!

Seriously I get bored around the house but I can’t start any activity that’d take up too much time cuz I know I’m gonna have to pack it up and drive to work at some point.

Hope I can get a remote job sometime soon deeper-sadness

Sorry wanted to vent.

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I hate closing since I’m a morning person, but its literally the only place that hires LGBTQIA+ people out here, so I just have to live with it and the schedule, I close 90pct of the time, but the job has everyone on a swinging shift technically which sucks, I could close one night open the next. I expect the business to have serious problems in the future, so I’m taking the hours as I can. When my main gig dies down hopefully I can find another remote job or I’ll be in trouble, my current one is known for dropping people at a whim, so I can’t make a living of it.

    My remote job is slow right now too, so I’m glad to have two jobs, though I don’t have time for anything else when both are busy and the pay is trash. It feels like I never have time for much, can’t even properly clean my house before its time to go to work, I’ve long forgotten what fun is.