It’s like, at first, it was relatively apolitical except maybe the New Atheists who got popular by criticizing the mostly right-wing religious nutjobs.

But then, I think around the mid-2010s, it started to get super political. Suddenly, everybody started to talk about how the evil wacky feminazi SJWs were trying to destroy gaming and our culture?

At this point, it seems like many people have snapped out of it and are making fun of these “anti-woke” crazies, but what materially caused this phenomenon to happen in the first place and why does it still persist to an extent?

    1 year ago

    There is the nature of what gets clicks. Clicks of inflamitory exaggerations of what Anita Sarkesian was up to. She would make a presentations for corporations to tell them that women are a market for games and they should be appealed to. Somehow in reactionary brain this meant that games can’t be made for 20 something manchildren. People just straight up lied about all kinds of shit and made fun of hot takes with 5 upvotes on twitter as if this meant something.