Here’s mine. No inspiration at all taken from a certain California based company’s OS ;p
I use:
- Manjaro OS
- GNOME desktop
- WhiteSur icon theme (with a few icons changed in the desktop file)
- WhiteSur GTK and shell theme
- Bing wallpaper
- net speed simplified
- Logo Menu
- Show Desktop
- Top Bar Organiser (to move the time to the right)
- Overview background
I apologise if I missed anything.
Well, mine looks like Windows XP, but not.
I’m not sure that clock is big enough
I like the widgets
I like the widgets , how can I get them?
They are installed by default with KDE Plasma. Although, on the taskbar, you can just get them in the KDE Plasma widget store.
This is very pretty, in a unique way. Great job!
It’s like the XP olive theme with the vista/7 style widgets sidebar - all you need is the RPM style CPU usage gauges.