I have this old pair of Technics SB-3130, they are three way speakers. Both of the super tweeters are dead (infinite resistance) and I’m not sure if this impact the range of frequency feeded to the tweeter. Given the schematic diagram, if I remove the super tweeter, should I modify something to have all the high frequencied on the tweeter?

  • HootinNHollerin@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I believe the C2, R2, and L2 are forming a band pass filter for the mid frequencies to the tweeter. Inductors (L) act as low pass filter and capacitors © act as high pass filter. The problem with changing anything is that the tweeter (mid) is likely not capable of moving at the super tweeter (high) frequencies nor the low (woofer) frequencies due to its mass (inertia) and stiffness of its diaphragm, etc. Best bet is to replace the broken super tweeters with others as they are actually designed for those high frequencies. It’s possible you tear the diaphragm of the tweeter unless you kept the volume low