So, recently I was talking to a friend and somehow we got to talking about religion and stuff. When I complained that religion is often put on a huge pedestal and that it’s really just a glorified opinion and should be subject to the same criticism as any other opinion, they told me that that was a really hot take.

According to them, belief and religion is more than just an opinion since it’s such a big part of people’s lives. I countered that opinions are also big parts of people’s lives and personalities. I mean, a huge chunk of your personality is based on your opinions, right?

We agreed to disagree but I kept thinking about it. I don’t get why religion shouldn’t just be treated like any other opinion just because people tend to cling to it. I get that it people are emotionally invested but that’s not just the case with religion but other opinions too. I would appreciate your thoughts to help me understand better, is it really a hot take?

    1 year ago

    Catholics are ‘two truths’, see St. Thomas Aquinas. Science is one path to truth. God and faith are another. If both are true, then any (seeming) contradiction must be a human error, a misunderstanding that deeper study (either of faith or of science) will eventually reveal the truth and let both sides agree again.

    Science has a large component of Catholicism actually. The Catholic monk Mendel discovered genetics and Catholics officially are cool with evolution. (Of course, specific people may disagree but there have been a lot of… Evangelicals… Who seemed to have joined in recent years pushing us to some braindead perspectives).

    Nonetheless, the ‘Mysteries’ of Catholic faith, such as the Virgin Birth, the existence of God, etc. Etc. Are all unprovable and unfalsifiable. Given the nature of the core of our faith, it can only be described as a choice.

    There is no proof, no logic, no argument to the core issues. It’s simply if you believe or if you don’t believe.