What else did you expect from Meta?
Meta wants to metastasize.
I had not heard of that new shit. Randomnly went to theverge, and and saw they are forcefeeding this new Threads to everyone as the “top articles”. Almost 100K posts already, 35millions accounts activated. People just don’t learn.
deleted by creator
Take me back in time to the 2000s when the most scandalous spyware was a purple gorilla virtual assistant telling awful jokes with a TTS voice.
and likely that is the reason why it did not come to EU on start
Pfffft. What’s the drama? So you create a new insta account with no info and then pop it to Threads. They get nothing and you still get to see what’s what.
Are you really so thick to think that your workaround solves the problem?
I cannot comprehend how are people using these apps. Why would you want want to be tracked and targeted by a corporation like Meta is beyond me, what are you gaining in return of your whole data