As title says, keen to discuss any ideas for features or gameplay enhancements that could make HD2 even better!
Mine are:
A startegem that allows you to view the battlefield top down from space to aim/zoom and fire/manoeuvre projectile(s).
Text chat and game stats available on the un-skippable post game wrap up screens.
Armour with a self-destruction feature, with visible countdown limited uses. Watch out for friendlies!
Saved loadouts
Text chat available on the equipment/stratagem selection screen would be nice
And ship audio! So many times I come out of the equipment menu to find a full squad has joined and I didn’t even know.
It’d be cool if there was mission where you were clearing an objective for the main army to roll in.
Like you go in an blow up some big arty base. Then have to defend the base from counterattack until a tank battalion rolls up
that kinda already happens if by army you mean a squad of 4 cadets with mortars.
i wanna see team cooldowns on the HUD. it’s on the map but id rather see the cooldowns then their ammo.
mostly so i can see when the next mortar is spawned so i can snipe it off the map.