A thermometer is just a speedometer for atoms.
Wigglemeter. For atoms. That wiggle.
Atoms don’t jiggle, jiggle, they move But they do wiggle, wiggle, fo sho!
Music is a pattern of wiggling air. Color is just a frequency of wiggling because all light is wiggling, but not a pattern of frequencies. I think it would be more congruent is the statement were “movies are just the wiggling of the electromagnetic field”.
Follow me for more pedantic corrections!
Disclaimer: I am not technically a physicist.
Not all colors are just a single frequency. Like, magenta can only exist as a sum of red and blue light. So colors are also patterns of wiggling
I can’t tell you how pleasing it is to see this take instead of the usual “magenta isn’t real” bit
Seriously. I’m tired of those goons parroting the usual magenda.
If magenta isn’t real, then white isn’t real either lmao
No color is ‘real’. Only frequencies are real. But colors are real in our minds, just as sound is.
None of the human senses are real. It’s all just our brains trying to make sense of the limited information we can get
color isnt even that, cos magenta isnt a frequency. color is a useful lie your brain tells itself about the materials it can see.
brain gets information it can’t process
picks thing at random
Me: “Why do I smell marshmallows when I look at that thing that isn’t a marshmallow?”
Is that why The Wiggles are both colourful and musical?
Hot potato hot potato
Oh oh oh Amadeus
Fruit salad, yummy yummy
Toot toot, chugga chugga, Big Red Car
Computer softwares are just fancy electron controller
Computer softwares are just fancy
electronwiggle controllerFtfy
Matter is just wiggles until you perceive it.
And when you finally perceive it, it’s gone
In theory, it should be possible to using twerking as an instrument.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Thereby, LMFAO was proved to be the best musicians ever. QED.
“Wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah.”
Get wiggle wit it
Na Na Na Na Na Na—ow my blood pressure!
One of Bob Dylans greatest achievement was understanding the importance of the Wiggle in music and he has incorporated it into many of his songs, most notably in his magnum opus, “Wiggle Wiggle” from 1990. Experts and scientists are still in disagreement as to whether or not the song “Wilbury Twist”, from a band Dylan was in, is the greatest song of all time, but they agree that, as James Joyce noted, “the Wiggle is strong in that one.”
Because of these songs Bob Dylan is the only songwriter in history to have been rewarded the Nobel prize for the literature. In his speech after receiving the prize Dylan could not stop talking about Moby Dick. Personally I think the genius that is Bob Dylan used Moby Dick as an inspiration for his music because the movement of the whale when swimming is a Wiggle: with this speech he once more showed the world that the Wiggle is what “keeps music moving forward”.
Ah, the whale! What a beautiful metaphor for music! Oh man! Admire and model thyself after the whale!
What’s non wiggling light?
Light as it percieves itself
The same light but in it’s particle era
And with that, FiskFisk33 was enlightened.
“You are only coming through in waves” - Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb
massage my tape heads.
pretty sure this lady was my art teacher.
who once said to me. “I think it’s time you accept you have no talent for art.” (Yeah lady, I knew that already. It’s not like I chose to be there. still you probably shouldn’t say that to a fifth grader… even if that clay mask was truly atrocious…)