I think we’re getting pretty close to our profound greatness that we achieved in 1929. Just give USA little more time to siphon some more of the economy upwards and finish pulling the rug out from the remaining social safety nets.
I think we’re getting pretty close to our profound greatness that we achieved in 1929. Just give USA little more time to siphon some more of the economy upwards and finish pulling the rug out from the remaining social safety nets.
Nope, I vote that we give the foxes weapons training and teach them to hunt the hunters. 5-7 foxes in an Abrams tank should change hearts, minds, and anatomy.
Hard to see y’all over the wall of smoke and flames built on the bones of our mass-shooting victims
Maybe you’re one of those families that buys mostly straws. The ones you see with little children huddled and sobbing around their parent who is desperately trying to hold back tears while explaining, “we can only afford 13 bags of straws this week instead of 36 because woke took away our plastic straws. And while duck calls will work just fine with biodegradable straws, they don’t have the same mouth-feel as the ones that choke sea turtles.”
Do you have Bad Hair Day? You might want to see if you remember Larry
Wow, you must have an awful lot of free time on your hands
It might infect your car. Your only option now is to fake your own death and hope that Cisco doesn’t ever try looking for you again.
If it’s God’s will, I will accept a proper fucking. Prepare the soon-to-be disappointed second party!
Ow, my eyes! Censor your fucking shame, you damn poop-eating bastard child birthed from your mother’s poopy asshole!
That was amazing. Do you think this band has ever been in a room with Armie Hammer?
Name changes fix everything!
- TheFartographer Flatulent Cam-Americans for Peace
Less of a cleaning and more of a cleansing
Gone but not Forgotten
Circuit City
1949 - 2009
Gimme some of that refraction parade action
What if the left “cancels” solar because its power source causes cancer? Also, something something starts fires in blue states.
I feel like Redeemer of Souls by Judas Priest is a pretty epic album and well worth a listen