No it wasn’t. It was the symbol of the ruling family which also ruled many other states and entire Russia for centuries. It was only introduced as symbol of Ukraine by already protofascist government in 1918. Before that, even if we ignore discussion since when we can even talk about Ukraine, its most common symbol was Archangel Michael.
It’s a symbol of Ukraine in the exact same sense as thisis the symbol of Belarus - it’s a symbol of counterrevolutionaries, fascists, western puppets and neoliberals. Difference is, on Belarus they lost and on Ukraine they won. you were only wrong in that is have the much wider connotation with fascism and reactionism than just Azov.
The tryzub has been a national symbol of Ukraine for much longer than any fascist battallion has existed.
No it wasn’t. It was the symbol of the ruling family which also ruled many other states and entire Russia for centuries. It was only introduced as symbol of Ukraine by already protofascist government in 1918. Before that, even if we ignore discussion since when we can even talk about Ukraine, its most common symbol was Archangel Michael.
It’s a symbol of Ukraine in the exact same sense as this
is the symbol of Belarus - it’s a symbol of counterrevolutionaries, fascists, western puppets and neoliberals. Difference is, on Belarus they lost and on Ukraine they won. you were only wrong in that is have the much wider connotation with fascism and reactionism than just Azov.
My bad