Hello all - so I have been looking at the VR headset and have a couple questions.

First one is my main concern. I wear glasses, mainly for distance vision. However, here recently I have found I had to get my prescription tweaked to include bifocals for reading (aging sucks). That being said - can you wear glasses with the VR unit and does it matter if you are nearsighted/farsighted or how does that work?

Second question - I know there are games made primarily for VR but will any game work with it? Obviously I cannot imagine playing something like Diablo but am thinking maybe Doom or Genshin Impact?

  • Blackmist@feddit.uk
    2 years ago

    VR looks far away due to the lenses in the headset, so you’ll need your distance glasses.

    PSVR1 was definitely the most comfortable for glasses wearers (comparing to the Oculus Rift and Quest 2), due to being able to slide the headset back and forth into position. PSVR2 seems to retain this.

    If you’ve not used VR before it might take a while to get your VR legs. Use teleporting to start with, then VR locomotion with left/right “flicking”. Smooth left/right turning is awful for me, even after all these years.

    • Resistentialism@feddit.uk
      2 years ago

      Just to put this out there. I use relatively small glasses, not like massive circular ones. I managed to use them with the psvr2.

      Have you tried using smooth turning whilst sitting down? If I stand up woth vr games and use smooth turn. It messes with me a bit. But when sitting down, it’s a ton easier

      • Blackmist@feddit.uk
        2 years ago

        I find it a little better if there’s a frame around it, like you’re piloting something hefty like a mech or something.

        Even sat down for Minecraft, it’s flick turn or I’m out. There’s a VR chat golf world with a rotating platform on it. If I stand on it, I’m binned in seconds.