So i am in the middle of starting my own company in computer support(focusing on teaching people how to use email, printer etc and solving problems that might be standing in their way). But i need a name, website, Email and phone number. The last one i have figured out as that is just a if it is kind of easy to remember its okay. But figuring out an E-mail and website requires a name for the company.

I have heard some people that named company’s with their name in it and regret it later. So how would one properly name a company? I am based in the EU if it matters but i don’t think this is something that is different in different cultures.

Things i currently think about are (my name) tech service and (my location(city)) tech service but i don’t know if that is a good idea and if i might get regrets in the future(for example when expanding to more locations or getting employees).

Thanks for your vision on this.

    2 years ago

    short, positive, easy to remember, gives away what it is immediately, easy to make a logo with, no umlauts or other more complicated letters, check what others in your industry are called and make sure you are easily distinguishable, make sure your name isn’t already in use as it can be expensive to change it later

    Tom Tech - alliterations also work well

    Remember that someone named their company “apple”. In the beginning, everyone would have thought it is an idiotic name. In the end, it will not be the name, but whether you can make a name for yourself by doing your business well.