Someone told me this Community might enjoy this big gal! Got her along with a keyboard and mice for 90€!
Check out these specs!
Boi she’s also massive, especially compared to my main Gaming PC!
Both Train Simulator and Unreal work lovingly on it, though Stronghold 2 does struggle quite a bit the more I build… also awaiting Half Life 1 with all expansions and a copy of Age Of Empire (which I haven’t played a single part before) so thats exciting. Im also considering trying to get HL2 to run on it, but idk if it can handle that, what do you all think?
The mismatched optical drive is truly icing on the cake here.
My first CD burning drive was 2x and boy did I think I was hot shit!!
600mb of burnable space? Per disc? Idk what to do with all that insane storage opportunity
“There’s no way I’ll ever use that much space!”
Legit when dvd came out I thought they’re just being silly, no one needs so much space!
Would it be possible to dual boot with Windows XP? I feel like that would be era appropriate and allow you to play more games.
Honestly, that computer is windows me/2000 era. It was old by the time xp came out. Considering 2000 is not the best for gaming, 98 is the next best choice. XP was more straining on the computer, so you wouldn’t get the best bang for the buck. All drivers are fully 98/ME supported, and ME has always been pretty unstable. And Microsoft hid the ms-dos mode on ME, which makes 98 the only real choice for gaming.
XP was the best choice for pentium 4 onwards.
Two backup automatic coasters?!?! Truly a luxury
Somewhere at my parents’ house is my old Gateway with an 800 MHz Athlon and an Nvidia Riva TNT2…and you’re making me want to dig it out.
All the maxis games!
Very cool. I recently had to build a win95 from random parts
I’ve Return Fire iso I’m trying to get running in a vm, this might just run it.
Love that game. Shame it needed 256 colors, so I always had to change the screen settings before playing.
Speaking of which, I can’t remember which version of windows display settings stopped offering the color space option.
I’m not sure. But already was obsolete by xp times. My guess would be 7, but I have no idea.
If you like age of empires, and like star wars, be sure to check out galactic battlegrounds! It’s a star wars age of empires clone. Loads of fun!
Yeah I’ll see if I like AOE first. Never played any of those before so it’ll be interesting!
YES! I played so much of that shit as a kid! I wondered how it became so forgotten
BRB gonna go play some ancient strategy game instead of working lol
Whoa, that Philips CD-RW drive just unlocked some core memories for me. That was my first CD burner. It was in a Dell Dimension XPS 233. How has your build been treating you the last 5 months? It’s awesome. Bet it didn’t run HL2. I tried installing the orange box on my XP build recently and couldn’t get Steam to connect.
Haven’t used it in a while sadly. Getting my PC 10-III to run took a bit of priority… and then life happened and I haven’t really worked on any of my Computers. Gotta get done with some stuff before I can sink more Money into them!
Sadly that particular CD-RW doesn’t seem to work. Never managed to get it running…
Yeah, I know what you mean. Just this week I got my XP machine out for the first time in months and months. There’s just no time anymore.
Getting my disc drives working was a bit of an adventure. I have a Dell E510 that survived the capacitor plague. But for some reason, the IDE controller is shot. Luckily it had two sata ports for the HDDs, but I ended up getting a pcie sata card and then two IDE to sata adapters for my disc drives. I’m totally surprised that it worked.
Need to see some in game benchmarks for this big guy
Heh well it runs Train Sim pretty flawlessly… though Stronghold 2 does shug around on mid settings, especially the more I build
The technology just isn’t there yet to run Stronghold 2 at full settings.
Boy am I jelly. I need a medium to large case with a bunch of bays, but I don’t want to pay $100+ for it.
I’m tempted to build one out of scrap wood and line it with foil.