Ah, if only Republican terrorists were actually treated as terrorists.
You can’t treat white people like terrorists!
Well, not white conservatives, at least. White leftists you can abuse to your hearts content.
They always scream about the radial left and never of the radical right whom are actually fucking up ppls lives.
Man, they’re so right wing they hate turning left.
Is that why they turned on nascar?
Oh no ! They’ll have to boycott Nascar. Those leftist ruins everything i tell ya.
They can still watch Laguna Seca and Watkins Glen, though the left turns and right turns inevitably cancel each other out
Funny thing is Nascar only turns left, so they had to mirror the image to keep these people happy
It’s still somewhat mind-blowing how dumb all of that was/is.
There’s a 13yo leading the JFK cult. You can’t get stupider than the people who latched onto the Q movement.
… don’t say that.
The moment you say “can’t get stupider than…” the world says “hold my beer”
Remember when everybody thought Bush Jr was a dumbass, how tame those days were compared to today.
I remember when the idea of Trump even being taken seriously as a viable candidate was a laughable absurdity.
I think we all forgot how absurd the universe can be.
Props for using a true ellipses rather than three dots.
People actually downvoted this.
Yes I did thanks. Not a Q member I just hate this sort of “we need to kill people who think differently” mentality
Edit: holy shit you guys are stuck on semantics. I didnt even know “think different” was some sort of dog whistle for you guys. You know what i meant and you decided it didnt matter. 3 brain cells collectively fighting over a word choice.
Lol…. Being a card carrying Q supporter is far more than just “thinking differently.”
By the time the FBI is at your door you have gone beyond “wrong think”.
Forget Snowden, or Manning? Or many others?
Yeah. I agree that Trump’s little insurrection was treason and that his lackeys are terrorists, but claiming that the FBI is some sort of judge of morality is incredibly daft.
How exactly are those people relevant to this conversation
No one is talking about them here at all and your just mentioning them to try and turn your comments away from the justified negative criticism they are getting
They were people hunted by the FBI.
Riots Storms Capitol Pipe bombs White Supremists Murdered cops
“thinking differently”
You poor, poor, persecuted muffin.
It’s called treason. “People who think differently” is such a stupid and misused phrase.
It’s actually called sedition and/or insurrection. That’s why none of the participants have been charged with treason. They didn’t betray the country to a foreign power. They just betrayed the country for a domestic power.
You’re right. I meant insurrection. I said treason even though I knew it was insurrection.
How many of the jan 6th rioters were charged with treason? Please elucidate me on this as I actually dont know.
None, but that’s because what they did fits the definition of sedition and/or insurrection, not treason since they weren’t betraying the country to a foreign power.
So it wasnt treason then right?
Legally? No. In the common parlance? Yes.
None. They were charged with insurrection. Technically not the same. It’s a minor distinction in my mind. But you’re technically correct. Domestic vs foreign. Not important to me.
The distinction matters. One qualifies for death penalty and needs to be used with very clear motives. If you guys are calling for the death of treasonous peoples, you have to recognize that you are saying your view supercedes judicial review… which can be just as misconstrued as a form of sedition.
I am not even down with capital punishment. Just life in prison for both insurrection and treason. In court and in history books the terms matter quite a bit. In terms of my personal opinion, insurrectionist, and treasonous people are the same. That’s all.
The meme specifially calls for the death of treasonous people and you (along with the rest of the commentors) are agreeing with the sentiment. Its either you agree that your view matters more than judicial review or you can stop using the word. These words have meaning; dont lump everything together and call for death just because it suits whatever agenda you may have.
Killing people who commit treason is still killing people.
Yes. I’m not a fan of capital punishment. But they’re not just prior with different opinions. They’re people who tried to end democracy because their guy lost. I’d much rather them rot in prison for eternity tbh.
You might not be Q, but you’re at least P. Your stupidity is almost there, keep going.
P for penis
thanks for the iucking fnput pat fussy
I had a stroke trying to read this. But yes. Pat fussy indeed.
The great mind’s username was pat fussy.
The other comment just said “Thanks for the input, pat fussy.”
You’ll note they swapped the first letters of a couple words, just like in the OP’s username.
No one had trouble with that, but thanks Captain obvious
He very clearly didn’t get the reference. Nice attempt at snark though, keep working on it, practice makes perfect!
Wow, are you a rock?
How deep does this habbit role go?
I know what you did lol.
I agree with Ernie, but I don’t like to think of him talking this way.
This is off camera.
Never meet your heroes, folks
He’s sick of Bert’s shit. I’d be the same way.
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“Hey Ernie?”
“Yeah, Bert?”
If it’s one thing I miss from R. It’s /r/bertstrips
If only I could read uwu
Could someone explain the Kraken reference?
I believe Trump’s legal team was referred to as the Kraken. They were going to be a powerful force if only there had been any facts to support their claims.
It was from Sidney Powell. She filed some baseless lawsuit regarding the election and claimed she was going to “release the kraken”.
I think the Q crowd latched on to that and it was just particularly hashtag-able.
deleted by creator
I thought this was talking about sports teams at first
It is, in a way.
Based Ernie
Kraken is bone apple tea for crackhead