I’m… I’m really conflicted.
It feels like there’s
:.|:;here, but I can’t put my finger on it… has… has the internet conditioned me to look for Loss in every four panel comic?Yes.
When people can’t tell if it’s a hand or a lollipop, it’s time to add more detail…
Yes seriously, this cartoon required a lot of analysis
Not being able to distinguish between the primary items *featured is “analysis”?
My comment was in agreement with your comment. Now you want to argue about it?
Oh, sorry. lt probably comes across poorly in text format, but I was actually asking.
Saving the kid from cavities.
I’m kinda curious. Did the Simpsons invent ‘yoink’ or did it exist before 1988?
the word “yoink,” a coinage of Meyer’s, which characters sometimes utter in the act of snatching something
That implies invention by Meyer, doesn’t it?
Nice! Thank you that’s awesome
Next pannel:
Left twin beats the kid for no reason.
Right twin: “I told you.”