Just let me eat my cheese
Almost got to see the captains log there.
Stardate 58008, i was brought naked before the Cardassian chain of command where they were having what seemed to be an orgiastic feast. I was myself quite naked but even throughout the night of inexplicable coitus I never once found myself to be embarrassed by my own nudity.
Doesn’t matter because I had already seen everything
Not a real episode unless he bumps in to Riker having sex with himself.
I thought Riker has two penises how does that work
How many lights did they turn on tho?
they’re burned into my retina, all . . . Five? Wait . . . Four…? No, certainly there were five before.
There are 5 but the bulb is out on one.
Surely all five were just on, I have the strangest urge to say there were five, but I clearly see the four. Huh.
In my own kitchen we have one light switch which turns on about separate bulbs. They aren’t white light but it’s close enough to this pic 😂
Picard tries to cover up, but it’s too late, I’ve seen everything.
The deadpan delivery in that sketch is amazing.
The Ian McKellen one is great too. “I’m not really a wizard, you know”
The bloopers are great. Patrick Stewart is such a pro.
Like when a man goes swimming… afterwards…
Beverly: It shrinks?
Like a frightened turtle!
… to then realize it wasn’t cheese
I was sooooo drunk one night I woke up and ran to the kitchen for water saw a lovely cup half full sitting on the counter. Took 2 or 3 fat gulps until I realized it was vegetable oil. Wasn’t thirsty anymore went back to bed trying not to throw up.
Oh god 🤢
How was the exit of that?
Lubricated, probably
Who the hell has cups of oil sitting out?
Set the course, for intercourse.
Target locked. Engage.
More like when the holodeck loses power.
But somehow the program continues to run
Picard’s shredded
I saw an interview with Hank Azaria about wearing a speedo in that Ben Stiller movie and he said he knew millions of people were going to see it so he got cut af
Hot dog, don’t need anyone else for a standing ovation when you have cheeks that clap like those.
The annoying thing is that I know this situation
Mmmm… 64 slices of American cheese
I think I’ve gone blind…
And when it comes to midnight munchies, why is it always cheese? I’ll be like, hey, let’s have a banana and my brain will say, “CHEESE. BLOCK. NOW!”