I hate how liberals say it’s because “they’re dumb”. No, it’s legitimately the case that most of these people have unironically never held a hammer in their lives.
They’re also probably just not that bright. Liberalism (especially of the neoliberal variety these schmucks represent the worst of) and the triumphal “end of history” really did a number on the western elites’ intellect IMO. The walking, talking turds holding highest office across the west nowadays seem to have no self-reflection, perhaps no cognitive empathy whatsoever- and there’s been no incentive for them to develop it.
Both can be true. Plenty of people pick up a hammer for the first time and hold it the right way.
It helps to have seen a hammer in use. But us blue collar workers are invisible to the likes of these rulers.
literal fucking orangutan figuring out tools better than these clowns
An orangutan would unironically be a better and more popular leader than Sunak.
So would a rotten head of cabbage
how is that possible, i personally never did manual labor but i know how to fucking hold a hammer and nail something.
Most likely you have either: a) already done manual labor (for yourself) or b) will and your parents may have shown you how in anticipation of this.
Or you have seen your parents do it, and have therefore seen them hold a hammer and through that learned how it is to be held and used.I wonder if these people have never had any of the three happen. How rich does one('s parents) need to be for that?
Being a rich failson is doing that to people.
Never held a hammer in their life…
I mean Trudeau has some plausible deniability in the way he’s holding his hammer - he could be about to extract a nail.
But Sunak? Either he has no idea what he’s doing, or he’s about to beat someone up with that hammer.
Trudeau looks like he’s posting for a picture and he’s totally holding it the wrong way, but at least that’s kind of meh.
But is sunak like mid flipping the hammer around? How stupid can you be? This is Patrick Star level of dumb.
When they are finally voted out these two will have wonderful careers ahead of them as bricklayers.
Next up is the lathe, now will Trudeau be smart enough to keep his tie away from it?
I imagine half the country would be celebrating if he wasn’t tbh (I’d at least laugh at it)
Religious thread thing on the wrist on the guy on the right.
Imagine all the sweat, and filth, showers, dried and wet again everyday, on you all the time. It’s 2024.
It’s just a band why hating