How big are the files for the finished model, do you know?
Thanks. That helps me understand things better. I’m guessing you need all the data initially to set up the graph (model). Then you only need that?
What does it mean for an llm to run locally? Where’s all the data with the ‘answers’ stored?
I could fill a few pages with names of contractors who would love nothing more than that.
Wrong on one count: all that personal data held by the government will be delivered to those private contractors with a little ribbon around it, useful to them regardless of what happens to the infrastructure.
I recently upgraded my stone axe with some flint. Those guys with bronze are doomed.
Yes, I’m questioning my status as hater.
This didn’t work for everyone. Mine means ‘gullible sheep’ and I’m not sure what 1234 translates as – am I supposed to look at the original Arabic numerals?
I hear you about the schedules. I lost so many friends when I started working in kitchens. It’s a sociable job, so I made some new ones. But different ones in each kitchen/bar. And it’s hard to keep on touch when they need to be asleep by 10 pm to get up at 6 am and you don’t finish till 10 pm and have to work Thurs/Fri/Sat night. Damn, I should try to get in touch with any of them and see how they’re doing.
It’s the most arrogant move, as if they want you to smirk with them in deviance of authority. There is no authority, mf, the person wanting you to wear your mask properly is me because I don’t want your spray in my face.
Look forward to the next images:
Chatgpt, give me a photo of a man in shadows playing with bleach bottles and IEDs and make it look like those are necessary components of a making a 3D-printed pistol.
I open with my profession so they know whether it’s worth their time speaking to me. It’s only polite. I have a little fun, too. One day I’ll be an accountant. One day I’ll be a pot washer but in the military to watch them try to work out which ‘troop’ and ‘lowlife’ is the descriptor and which one is the profession.
Ounce of precaution, etc
Fr. Even the right wing broadsheets had good investigative journalism at one point. It’s all gone now.
If it wasn’t so tragic it would be amusing to see the bourgeois factions stumble over each other. The parties had their obvious policies and they made a certain twisted sense for a time.
Now that none of it has worked, they’re both running out of policies and simply stealing the other’s lines. You can see the visceral confusion in the demi-gods and priests of capital and in the faithful.
It’s the same across the western world, as the ‘left’ parties are unanimously trying to out-compete the ‘right’ on immigration. The politicians and pundits are tripping over themselves and each other. They just don’t know how to frame it.
Who now is the baddy and who the goody? If we all agree that immigration is bad, does that mean the baddies are now the goodies and are the goodies now the baddies because maybe being a racist isn’t the best look.
Major policies have been swapped before. It’s like light through a prism and the right colour is distilled and purified. The GOP takes up anti-abortion and we now see the result of that policy-swap once it becomes the platform piece. Fuck knows what horrors we’re in for when all the ‘left’ parties steal and horde the anti-immigrant policy as the right abandons it in favour of ‘more imported servants, please’.
What do you mean by deep state?
In another sense: these CEOs are the people responsible for infiltrating other countries with the shitty US model of healthcare.
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What happened there?
I’m curious.