Hover your mouse pointer over those numbers on the webpage (which was coded by the Lemmy devs) - It says things like “2 points • 4 Upvotes • 2 Downvotes”
I assume the intended purpose is the same here as it is on Reddit - to flag spam, bots, and other intentional misuses of the platform. Maybe there are instances that don’t utilize the feature?
MFW a post doesn’t get enough upvotes.
You got 200 upvotes in under an hour. How many do you need King Xerxes?
YouMark Hamill got 200 upvotes in under an hour.I’m just a dirty reposter in this scenario.
The fuck is an upvote? This is Lemmy not reddit.
Hover your mouse pointer over those numbers on the webpage (which was coded by the Lemmy devs) - It says things like “2 points • 4 Upvotes • 2 Downvotes”
Reddit didn’t invent those terms.
What do you call them here?
Ascending Plebiscites.
Means of production
Strange that I’ve seem someone complain about this before any usage of the term “sublemmy” instead of community.
I was more making a stupid joke, but people didn’t seem to like it lol
Yeah, I learned the hard way that using /s is 100% required these days.
Yes I’m noticing more people are just in fight mode these days, and anything that sounds like an argument, they go for the throat.
I assume the intended purpose is the same here as it is on Reddit - to flag spam, bots, and other intentional misuses of the platform. Maybe there are instances that don’t utilize the feature?