Trial and error has taught me to rely on computers for many purchases. I wouldn’t necessarily say “big” per se, but anything that requires you to do extra validation or fill out forms is just a pain to do from the phone. Glitchy things often happen because too many companies have badly coded mobile experiences.
The worst is when I try to do things on mobile where I follow a link from an email, then partway through get a “We need to verify your email address, please enter the code we just sent,” which I can’t get to without closing the webview that is currently being served up by my mail app and starting over.
Excruciating when you have to hop between tabs. Unless doing it on an app, it’s always a computer.
The email thing for sure. Switching between those two on mobile is possible, but it’s a pain in the ass. Plus, my calendar is on my phone, so that would be a third thing I need to check on the same device. It’s a headache I don’t need.
My habit is to always turn webviews to actual browser tabs. There’s never a disadvaneage
In my mail app, there is an option to open in the browser. Solved this issue for me!
Unless you set a different default browser. From my experience, Gmail will still use the chrome web view so when you open it in your default browser it still resets.
Yep. Any page that I opt to open in browser (Firefox) opens as if it was a brand new tab, the typical result being a complete do-over.
Ah, I’m using Firefox! And now that I’m thinking about it, you’re right. I haven’t had this issue anymore!
This is a learned behavior. Mobile isn’t as reliable
I literally wait until I get to my (desktop) computer to do anything, including pizza delivery. It’s just safer. More-reliable. Trustworthy. An old friend that isn’t going to screw me over.
Using my phone to do anything important feels claustrophobic. My fingers need a wide open keyboard to roam free
What if I want to run my mouse back and forth across my ultrawide monitor, just because I can!?
Same. My phone only exists to get be between laptops. And I work from home so I’m not often between laptops.
I guess I’ll post my same comment as this is making the rounds again.
The bigger the purchase, the bigger the screen required. I’ll buy a cheeseburger on my watch. If I ever buy a house, I’ll need a jumbotron.
I’m a high tech GenX and this isn’t just a Millennial trait. I have no damn idea how anyone does anything more than casual media consumption on a small screen. It’s maddening and surely qualifies as a form of self torture. Mobile devices in general, including current Gen Samsung and Apple tablets, are just laggy AF unless you’ve got the high spec (read expensive) version.
i think y’all are just living with bloated software, i have a pixel 3a running lineageos and it’s perfectly snappy.
I’m the same way. I think it’s because I need to have like 15 tabs open any time I book flights and a hotel. Tabbing on mobile is ok, but not smooth enough when I’m in travel booking mode.
I feel that, when I enter goblin mode, my phone is also not able to process the tabs anymore.
Ok I would do that from the phone if I didn’t have to go through 1000 steps to log in, go through a laggier site experience with less information on a screen at once, then to order fill out 30 boxes of information. It’s just way faster to do on desktop/laptop.
Gotta have that desktop level cookie editing so they don’t jack your prices up!
My phone has never seen any payment information and I’d like to keep it that way. Either it works on my Linux system with a Firefox that blocks almost everything I don’t specifically allow or the purchase isn’t happening.
It might be a function of frequency more than magnitude of purchase. I fly just about every week and find it much more convenient to book my flights and hotels on my phone.
Ditto and bingo.
I use VNC Viewer to connect to my linux computer that’s on 24/7 so I can get the full desktop web experience no matter where I am outside. It works really well and I can see the fullscreen without having to worry about the page refreshing or dealing with limited mobile sites or downloading yet another app.
so I can get the full desktop web experience
You can run desktop apps directly in Termux on Android, by the way.
I had to get on my laptop just to buy a crochet pattern from etsy.
My Gen-X trait is I only book travel via a travel agent over the phone.
The boomer version of this is booking the travel with a phone app and then immediately calling the support number to fix the dates