Half-Baked. Happy Gilmore. Billy Madison. Grandma’s Boy. Dude, Where’s My Car? Where have the movies like this gone? Clerks 3 was, I think, the last good one I’ve ever seen (and even they got too real and too sad so I don’t even know if I ever want to see it again as a comedy). There’s gotta be some good, funny shit that’s even funnier when stoned out of your mind that’s more recent than that, right?

  • Cruxifux@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    They still make them, it’s just that they aren’t super mainstream anymore and most people who grew up with them grew out of that type of humour, and the nostalgia is what’s hitting them for those movies.

    Seth Rogen still makes them, the guys from workaholics made one not too long ago, there’s some other good fringe ones I’ve seen.