My chest hair isn’t glorious enough.
Notice we never saw him topless again after the beard…
Hair has to come from somewhere. When I started growing it on my face it stopped coming out from the top of my head.
That’s called “The Sisko”.
Is it possible to learn this power? I’d like to have some hair moved.
I can count the number of chest hairs I have … I have one that continually grows to an inch in length right next to my left nipple … I call him Larry
deleted by creator
Mango, we’ve had some complaints. We don’t care who you socialize with outside of working hours but we must ask you to show some constraints during working hours! It’s not just the women who cannot stop talking about you sexually. The men are infuriated! You let Janet pat your butt and now John and his team refuse to deal with their priorities. There’s demands that you allowed them to have a patt too! It’s madness… OMG can I ask you something personal…
- Director of HR
Local authorities.
General public
I can’t get my leg over the back of a chair.
A sense of fashion and social expectations. The recognition and acknowledgement that the true 80’s are gone.
The fact they don’t sell clothing like this.
just make it out of some leftover xmas wrapping paper
Scroll down and see the suggested products
My obesity
Weird question but do you drink soda? I think soda is directly tied to health problems
Because I live in the part of the world where I would get frost bite for six months of the year if I exposed my skin … and the other six months of being eaten alive by mosquitoes and insects if I exposed my skin.
I’m Indigenous and there’s a reason why my face and hands are tanned and the rest of my body is white as any sun starved Scandinavian.
I just don’t have that Riker swag.
I’m not Riker.
My nipple would get chilly
Just squeeze them periodically … or get someone else to do it for you
Self-respect. Either too much or too little, take your pick.
Cultural norms, in part, but mostly? Because I’d look [more] terrible.
Out of respect for everyone else’s sanity.