The problem is most cars are given back after being impounded for a bit, because you have to really speed for confiscation to stick. 80km/h over in the city (50km/h limit… so 130km/h in the city…) and 90km/h on the Autobahn (130km/h limit) or Country roads (100km/h limit) so it’s fairly toothless.
In the eyes of the law, ownership is one of the most fundamental and strongest rights, i’m surprised they managed to pull this off in general without it being unconstitutional
Austria passed a law recently to confiscate and auction off your vehicle in cases like this.

The problem is most cars are given back after being impounded for a bit, because you have to really speed for confiscation to stick. 80km/h over in the city (50km/h limit… so 130km/h in the city…) and 90km/h on the Autobahn (130km/h limit) or Country roads (100km/h limit) so it’s fairly toothless.
In the eyes of the law, ownership is one of the most fundamental and strongest rights, i’m surprised they managed to pull this off in general without it being unconstitutional