“We gotta fight 'em over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.”
“We can’t cut and run.”
Honorable mentions:
“Mission Accomplished”
“Who cares about WMD? Saddam was a bad guy. We freed the Iraqi people!”
“The troop surge is working.”
“Building democracy takes time.”
the great thing about these cheers was that they were all completely false, but they were stated as obvious axioms by everyone from the $500 haircut in the $5000 suit on TV down to the retiree in the 55 and up only HOA trailer park obliterated by a hurricane, sending his last $50 to a televangelist with a private jet.
The one that I’ll always remember is my aunt claiming that if not for the US military, she’d be in a niqab. She’d say it all the time and people would solemnly nod as if that made sense at all.
Top Tier cliches I remember:
Honorable mentions:
the great thing about these cheers was that they were all completely false, but they were stated as obvious axioms by everyone from the $500 haircut in the $5000 suit on TV down to the retiree in the 55 and up only HOA trailer park obliterated by a hurricane, sending his last $50 to a televangelist with a private jet.
The one that I’ll always remember is my aunt claiming that if not for the US military, she’d be in a niqab. She’d say it all the time and people would solemnly nod as if that made sense at all.
Freedumb fries
“you have to go out and shop so everything looks normal otherwise the terrorists win”