I can’t fathom how much I fucking hate this 😂😂
Hates even too soft of a word, there’s not a single word in any language that describes the feeling this image invokes.
Abhor? Despise?
Nah they’re not strong enough words.
Revile? Detest? Loathe?
How about “loathing” ?
Doubleplus ungood.
Thanks, I hate it.
Well at least I know what my nightmares will be about tonight
No fucking thanks, you keep your weird finger foreskins to yourself.
For real he needs a circumcision for his fingernails.
Absolutely not
With one image you exceeded my daily maximum eldritch horror media intake.
I must check myself in now.
Mmmm, taffy fingers.
How can I unsee?
I’m getting an icky/fascinated feeling from this, similar to trypophobia. Is there a fear that’s like trypophobia, except for tightly packed folds instead of tightly packed holes?
Trypophobia is actually just disgust I’m pretty sure. Phobias are supposed to be somewhat crippling in context. Almost everyone I know that proclaims to have trypophobia just shivers or cringes a bit.
Just shave the excess off and you’re good to go.
This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. *upvote*
My eyes!
Reminds me of Trump’s hair if it was featured on Dog Boy from the old Liquid Television series. I know it’s oddly specific, but that’s what came to mind.
Read it now, Samsung!